Kohrman Jackson & Krantz Student & Athlete Defense/Title IX attorneys Susan Stone and Kristina Supler have filed a lawsuit against Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) on behalf of a male student accused of sexual assault. The case was recently profiled in The College Fix.
According to the lawsuit, IWU violated several federal laws and policies established in the student handbook. Doe was issued a year-long suspension by a lone faculty member – without any hearing – just three weeks after the sexual assault accusation was made. That faculty member, according to the suit, ignored “key evidence of innocence” and “factual discrepancies” between the parties’ accounts.
“John Doe never had an opportunity to make arguments to a panel of decision-makers, participate in a hearing, prepare for and present a case, confront and cross-examine witnesses, obtain legal representation, submit written statements, procure expert testimony, or appeal on the basis that the decision was wrong,” the suit notes.
Additionally, the suit claims “IWU has created a campus culture that views all men as potential predators.”
Stone and Supler say the lawsuit aims to revoke Doe’s suspension, clear him of all sexual assault charges and allow him to finish his degree. Further, it requests that the court issue a declaration that IWU’s process is unlawful.
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