College Corner

Hands holding a lit candle.

Collin’s Law Increases Penalties for Hazing Rituals

UPDATE: Oct. 7, 2021: Ohio's Collin's Law is now officially in effect, toughening the state's hazing violations. "This bill says that going forward, hazing in the state of Ohio is simply not tolerated," said Gov. Mike DeWine.  Collin's Law expands the definition of...

Soldiers in military uniform

Cheating Scandal Rocks Military Academy at West Point

The United States’ Military Academy at West Point is among the most prestigious academic institutions in the nation. Alongside their training to become an officer upon graduation, cadets also receive a top-level civilian education. Sadly, the pressures to perform...

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NEW Updates to the 2021-2022 Common Application

As one admission cycle comes to an end, a new one cannot be far behind. The Common Application, one of the more popular methods of applying to college, is slowly releasing what’s new and, in some cases, what is improved, with the 2021-2022 Common Application. The...

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