Faculty Sexual Misconduct Lawyer
ServicesIf you’re a professor, member of faculty, or campus administrator facing a Title IX or sexual misconduct investigation, having the right attorneys can make all the difference for your future. Consequences of such accusations can include termination of tenure, dismissal, difficulty finding a position at another institution, civil liability and criminal charges.
Who We Serve
We have experience representing faculty members accused of the following types of sexual misconduct on campus:
- Sexual Harassment
- Bias and/or Discrimination
- Sexual Assault
Allegations of sexual misconduct on university or college campuses under Title IX are not limited to just students. Faculty members could also face these allegations at any point in their careers. However, the consequences are different for university employees, especially for tenured faculty. Consequences of such accusations can include revocation of tenure, employment, termination, and later, difficulty finding a position at another institution.
If you serve as a member of the faculty at a college or university, you need to take misconduct allegations seriously, starting by retaining the services of a skilled attorney. At many schools, the deck is stacked against the accused no matter what actually occurred. A faculty sexual misconduct lawyer can protect your rights and your job following these harmful allegations.
Applying Title IX to College Faculty
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 bars sexual discrimination on college campuses and other educational institutions which receive funding from the federal government. This prohibition includes alleged acts of sexual misconduct or assault. In addition to applying to fellow students, Title IX also regulates the behavior of faculty and administrators on campus.
To avoid the loss of federal funding, schools are required to investigate every allegation of sexual misconduct made against faculty and staff members. Given the financial consequences that a school could face, schools must investigate all allegations of sexual misconduct. An experienced faculty sexual misconduct attorney could assist someone facing these allegations and navigate the disciplinary process at the school.
Examples of Sexual Misconduct
Sexual misconduct on a college campus can take many forms. It can consist of making sexually based comments, propositions, or touching. The conduct must be severe or pervasive. However, one instance of harassment is actionable if the conduct is extreme, extraordinary, and severe.
Other cases could focus on allegations of sex-based discrimination. This discrimination could allegedly occur within the classroom or outside of it. Many times, allegations are made against coaches when a coach’s behavior is alleged to impact a student’s participation in a sport, and the conduct in question can occur at off-campus events.
Allegations of sexual misconduct involving college staff or faculty are especially problematic given the power dynamic between students and teachers. For that reason, schools forbid romantic relationships between faculty and the students they oversee. An attorney could address allegations of an inappropriate relationship that might threaten someone’s job.
How a Misconduct Attorney Could Help
There are numerous ways a faculty sexual misconduct attorney could help during the course of these investigations. The work of an attorney begins with thoroughly investigating every aspect of the allegation. This can be challenging, as the information provided to the respondent during disciplinary hearings are not as robust as is required during criminal prosecutions or even civil action. Sometimes attorneys will retain a private investigator to assist.
Attorneys can also help in these cases by guiding the faculty member through the process. Navigating the process can be challenging, given the complicated disciplinary rules at some colleges and universities. It is the role of an attorney to ensure the school complies with its own rules and abides by the person’s rights afforded by the policy and by law. KJK also assists in reputation management in order to reduce the social consequences of the allegation.
One important consideration is that many allegations of sexual misconduct that result in disciplinary proceedings could also lead to criminal charges in the future. Legal counsel could advise the faculty member on how their decisions during these proceedings could impact a potential criminal case as well.
Speak to a Faculty Sexual Misconduct Attorney Today
If you have been accused of violating Title IX as a member of a college faculty, you have the right to consult with legal counsel on your defense options. The choices you make could have a large impact on the rest of your life. Do not take unnecessary risks regarding your future. Call a faculty sexual misconduct lawyer at your earliest convenience.