Title IX Defense In San Francisco, California

Serving students & Faculty nationwide

An accusation resulting in a Title IX violation can severely affect your studies and your future career. It is crucial to choose an attorney who has the necessary knowledge and experience to help students through the campus process.

 You can defend your right to access to your education and protect your future with the help of our Title IX lawyer in San Francisco, CA. KJK Title IX Lawyers have represented students all over California and nationwide facing Title IX allegations.

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Title IX

Possible Consequences of Title IX Accusations

An accusation resulting in a Title IX violation can severely affect your studies and your future career. It is crucial to choose an attorney who has the necessary knowledge and experience to help students through the campus process.

 You can defend your right to access to your education and protect your future with the help of our Title IX lawyer in San Francisco, CA. KJK Title IX Lawyers have represented students all over California and nationwide facing Title IX allegations.

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According to Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance are not permitted to carry out discriminatory acts based on gender. A Title IX Lawyer in San Francisco, CA can help you avoid these consequences and maximize the chances of a better outcome for your case. 

  • Suspension

A suspension is a serious interruption of studies, which can affect your future plans, including the possibility of being accepted by other universities for further studies. A gap in your academic transcript would not only make it difficult for you to transfer to another school but will also impact your ability to pursue graduate studies. Ultimately, a suspension affects your career prospects and other lifelong opportunities. 

If you want to transfer to another university, they will ask for a signed FERPA form to release your records, which will include records of discipline. If you refuse to sign the release, they may not consider your application. 

  • Expulsion

If you were to be expelled, it will show up on your college transcript. You will need to address your violation during an application process with a new prospective college. If you don’t disclose your disciplinary action and the school finds out about it from elsewhere, the school can revoke your acceptance.  

  • Degree Revocation

Some schools also reserve the right to revoke a student’s degree upon a finding of a Title IX (or related student misconduct) violation. 

  • Loss of Athletic Scholarship and Other Financial Assistance

As part of Title IX, all-female and male student-athletes may be entitled to scholarship awards proportional to their involvement in sports. If a student is found to have committed serious misconduct that requires a disciplinary penalty or renders themselves ineligible for intercollegiate competition, then the college can reduce or cancel the scholarship, according to the National Collegiate Athletic Association. Likewise, students receiving other forms of financial assistance are also at risk of losing that support.   

  • Loss of Eligibility

Students accused of Title IX violations, such as sexual harassment, may lose their eligibility to participate in college athletics. This could affect them not just academically, but also athletically and financially in terms of loss of scholarships or professional opportunities.

  • Loss of Leadership Positions and Other Areas of Distinction

A Title IX finding of responsibility can result in a student being removed from leadership positions in student organizations or other programs. For example, a cadet participating in an ROTC program may face a disenrollment proceeding which could result in a loss of an academic scholarship, immediate repayment of the previously awarded scholarship, and forfeiture of a military commission.       

How We Can Help

Our team of attorneys offers counsel and student advising for college students. We will participate in disciplinary hearings, Title IX investigations, and criminal court if you are charged with a misdemeanor or a felony associated with your misconduct.

Title IX Investigations

Your rights under Title IX allow you to be included in all aspects of the investigation of your case.

The investigation process includes:

  • Notifying all parties involved
  • Gathering evidence
  • Reviewing all information
  • Writing a report of findings

You are allowed to have an advisor of your choice, like a lawyer, present at all your meetings. Title IX gives you the right to review evidence gathered against you, and you will receive a copy of the investigation report when it is complete. 

Investigations typically last around 60 days but may take longer if the allegations are more complex. There are no laws requiring the investigation to be completed in that time frame. The DOE Office for Civil Rights states the length of the investigation will vary depending on the number of incidents, complainants, and witnesses.

Hold Colleges Accountable and Ensure You Receive Due Process and Fundamental Fairness

Due process is the set of rules to ensure all individuals involved in disputes are treated fairly. An attorney will protect your due process rights by making sure your college follows the federal guidelines. Our lawyers’ trial experience translates to a strong defense for you during the investigation and hearing.


Both party’s advisors can question witnesses and the other party about the alleged incident at a hearing. All questions must be relevant to the case, and advisors cannot ask questions about the complainant’s past sexual behavior. Cross-examination is an effective tool in testing the credibility of witnesses. 

Hiring an attorney is beneficial in many ways. Here are some of the services your lawyer provides to help win your case:

  • Gathering Evidence

A lawyer will help you collect evidence and find witnesses of the alleged incident to obtain their statements. Your lawyer will help you prepare for your interview as well as your opening statement for a Title IX hearing.

  • Preventing and Pursuing Retaliation Claims

Any attempt to contact your accuser can be considered retaliation. Your lawyer will advise you not to email, text, or see your accuser in person. You can also be responsible if a third party contacts your accuser. Similarly, if anyone retaliates against you merely due to the nature of the allegations in the Title IX case, your lawyer will assist in pursuing a retaliation claim on your behalf. 

  • Civil Suit Defense

Title IX violations can be used against you in a civil suit. You may be sued for damages by your accuser, even if you were not found responsible for a policy violation. Your attorney can help defend you in litigation.

  • Defense Against Criminal Charges

Our lawyers are experienced at handling misdemeanor and felony criminal charges in court. If you are found in violation of a school policy and charged with a crime like sexual assault, your attorney already knows the details of your case and can help you mount a strong defense.

  • Reputation Management & Content Removal

An attorney can work on repairing your reputation so that you can put the allegations behind you. Our team assists in reputation management by preparing a narrative to present to the court of public opinion. You don’t want allegations of sexual misconduct impacting your chances of future employment or your ability to enroll in higher education programs. An attorney can also assist in having defamatory online content removed.

Hire a San Francisco Title IX Lawyer You Can Rely On

Our lawyers at KJK will help you navigate your school’s procedures regarding Title IX violations and any potential criminal charges. To find out how we can help you with your Title IX case, fill out our online contact form.

San Francisco Title IX Attorney

Title IX accusations can have damaging effects on the student that is being put through an investigation. It can not only affect the studies of the student but can also carry into their career. Title IX is very serious, and you need to have appropriate representation for a proper defense. As Title IX attorneys in San Francisco, we offer Title IX legal services to help with the process. We will be there through the investigation and even provide our own investigation. 

The ramifications, if found guilty of a Title IX violation, can have a lifelong effect on the student’s life. This can lead to suspension and expulsion from the school. However, the student will have a difficult time finding another school that will accept them. There can be financial losses due to the loss of athletic scholarships or financial assistance.  

The Colleges in San Francisco

There are many colleges in San Francisco that a student might need a San Francisco Title IX Attorney to help represent them such as:

Each year thousands of eager new students and returning students descend on the colleges and universities in the San Francisco area hoping to get the degree of their dreams.  This might be the first time away from home.  Inexperienced with life, can mean that they do things that they might not otherwise do or accuse those doing things that they didn’t do.  When accused of a Title IX violation, you need to ensure that you have a proper investigation.  Don’t take legal matters into your own hands and simply trust the system. The universities and colleges will have accurate representation and you should have that in your defense.  A Title IX accusation can ruin your life and career path. This will be on your college records and can have adverse issues for getting into various universities, getting a job or advancing in life in many ways.  

Don’t take Title IX lightly, call the best San Francisco Attorney today and let’s take a look at your case.

Things to See and Do in San Francisco

San Francisco is a super cool city with loads of history and things to do.  Located near the center of California, about 50 minutes from San Jose and 500 miles North of San Diego. The famous Golden Gate Bridge can be viewed from many parts of the city with the cold water below.  The bridge has an area where you can actually walk over it or ride your bike.  Of course, there are traffic lanes as well.  It was opened in 1937 and is the tallest suspension bridge in the world.  

There are lots of things to do outside that many adventurists enjoy such as the Golden Gate Park, Muir Woods National Monument, The Japanese Tea Garden, Baker Beach, and Golden Gate National Recreation area.  

While in San Francisco, you can also see the famous Alcatraz Island, which is located in the San Francisco Bay area.  This Island has been used for a variety of things but the most known is being the maximum-security prison due to the strong currents and cold temperatures of the bay, this island was the perfect fit.  Now, it is managed by the National Park Service and was declared a historical landmark in 1986.

Pier 39

If you are looking for unique shops and restaurants you need to head to Pier 39.  There is a boatload of entertainment to be found in this area and it is certainly a place the tourists flock to.  Here you can catch a glimpse of the sea lions or right a two story carousel.  

While in San Francisco you will want to take the time to go see the Painted Ladies. This is a row of homes that have been painted beautiful colors that have a stark contrast to the city skyline in the back.  

Leave your legal issues up to your qualified Title IX Attorney in San Francisco and take your time to explore this great city. Call today.

While you are enjoying yourself, leave your case up to a qualified Title IX Attorney in California. Call today.

Peer Advice

A Client’s Tips For Facing A Title IX Investigation


For students who may be involved in a Title IX or related matter, I offer the following tips. First, I recommend that you call a Title IX lawyer before you make any other move. Following that step, one should consider staying away from public statements on the matter. I also recommend that this public silence be countered with engagement in therapy and frequent self-care. Similarly, reach out to the appropriate contact at your school to coordinate supportive measures so that you may continue with your academics. Establishing a list of hobbies and rituals to ground myself was incredibly helpful throughout the ups and downs of the case.

See What Our CLients are Saying about our title ix attorneys


We will be forever grateful to you for engaging with us to assist our son...

We cannot thank you enough for your prompt and professional services on our behalf. You accomplished an amazing feat in just a few months. We are so grateful. You followed up on every issue and kept us informed throughout the process. It has been wonderful working with such competent attorneys as you have been. We will be forever grateful to you for engaging with us to assist our son in this most difficult situation.

Kristina and Susan are very competent ...

and experienced attorneys in Title IX and higher education law who treat their clients with integrity and compassion. Highly recommend this team!

Susan Stone and Kristina Supler represented our male college freshman...

against a false Title IX claim of non-consensual sexual intercourse. Current Title IX laws are strongly slanted in the accuser’s favor, and our son was denied due process by the university. This legal team expertly highlighted the accuser’s false accusations, while exposing the university’s many inconsistencies. They were there when we needed them – quick to take our phone calls or respond to our questions and concerns. Without their expert legal advice, our son would have likely been another silent and unfortunate victim of current Title IX university policies. We give Susan and Kristina the highest of recommendations!

I was a member of a fraternity at a public university...

that was kicked off campus for reported hazing. My involvement with the fraternity was unaware of any misdeeds being done, and was shocked when the school charged me with failure to report hazing. That’s when I contacted Susan and Kristina, who were extremely helpful and wonderful to work with. Thanks to them they helped guide me through collecting proof of my innocence, which ended up leading to the result we wanted of no charges against me. I highly recommend their service to anyone who might need it!

You are the utmost professional counselor...

On behalf of my family and me, I would like to thank you for the excellent guidance you provided to us. You are the utmost professional counselor. We are grateful for your expertise during a difficult time.


K-12 Student Defense

KJK’s Student & Athlete Defense practice group is here to protect your child’s future. Defending students of all ages, our team is here to make sure your family is given fair treatment when it comes to disciplinary actions issued by your school district. 

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Title IX



Understanding Title IX Penalties: What You Need to Know

Understanding Title IX Penalties What are Title IX penalties? Students found responsible for Title IX violations face a wide array of penalties, ranging in severity depending upon the nature of the sexual misconduct. Because sanctions for Title IX violations can...


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